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Cayman Climate March!

Join Protect Our Future and other concerned youth on the island surrounding Cayman’s growing environmental concerns on Friday, November 4, at DQ on North Church Street at 3:00 PM.

We will be departing from the Dairy Queen at 3:30 PM and march towards the Government Administration Building and remain their until 4:30 PM.

Aligning with Greta Thunberg’s #FridaysForFuture, we wish to raise awareness surrounding the increase education, remediation, and legislation requirements surrounding some of the following issues all taking place on our three islands:

  1. The continued use of environmentally damaging single-use plastics

  2. The overdevelopment and lack of enforced regulation on natural ecosystems 

  3. The consistent use of non reef-safe sunscreens

  4. The lack of enforcement and consequences surrounding illegal environmental practices

  5. The limited action supporting Cayman’s goal of 70% renewable energy by 2037

Please, never forget, you have a voice and you can make the change you want to see in the world! Protect your future.

October 9

Smith’s Cove Beach Clean up

November 20

Pirates Against Plastic Beach Cleanup