Protesting For Change

Protect Our Future's mission is to allow the voice of the youth to be heard. We believe that to achieve a prospering future, the youth's perspective must be considered. That being said, our traditional methods of using photography to get our message out were not doing the trick. Although we gained a fan base fast and spread our pictures like wildfire, we did not see change occur. For these reasons, Protect Our Future decided to hit the streets!

On September 20th, 2019, Protect Our Future held its first peaceful protest. The event went amazing! We had a turnout of about 200, ranging from babies to the wise elderly of Cayman. This event will forever mark a turning point in our group's path and the history of Cayman. By crowding the roads, the government and people of Cayman were forced to hear what we had to say regarding the proposed Cruise Berthing Facility, plastic pollution, and overdevelopment! 

After success through our first protest, we had many people asking about the next one. This desire to do more was amazing! 

So, on November 29th, 2019, Protect Our Future held its second protest. This protest was another success! We were able to have a huge youth turnout from various schools and ages and had a lot of media coverage. 

Through these protests, we were able to impact the decisions of our government immensely. Our opinions were taken into consideration, and as a result, the government postponed the ruling for the port project! With this delay in decision making, we can do more and more to get the people of Cayman to make the right decision... vote no. 


Please, Cayman, Lets Make a Change